Project Description
I’m sometimes accused of being quite literal. So when a draft of the project, “Fashion by the Numbers” was pitched across my desk, I was naturally inclined to take it at face value. Even if the writer only meant it as an instructional working title.
Convincing Miracle Mile Shops was a little more difficult, but after 6 years worth of photoshoots and designs highlighting their 170 stores over 1.2 miles of retail space, they had grown to trust my instincts and let me run with it. I am happy with the results and even now the visuals hold up. Proof that sometimes the most obvious solution is the best one, however seemingly plain it sounds. I think you’ll agree that this shoot is anything but boring.
With 10 looks and cover options to shoot in a single day, this project was brutal from a planning perspective. I simplified the timeline by having the hair and makeup remain the same so only touch-ups would be needed between style changes. This normally wouldn’t be the option for a feature shoot, but given the quantity of shots needed, it was a life-saver to finishing on time and budget.
Choosing a braided top-knot hair style meant a long prep time for first shots, but gave this photoshoot a fierce look that was needed as there were no environmental distractions in the shots to cover over any shortcomings of concept. It succeeds or fails by the quality of the shots and I think it turned out wonderfully… readable.
Project Details